About Science Blurt
Everything is Science. Every tiny thing you see, or may not see, around you is Science. And Science is Fun!
At Science Blurt we love to talk about Facts, just Facts, about FACTS supported by more FACTS. There is so much all around which we either know or don't know or chose to ignore, like, what happens when ligthning hits the earth's surface? why are we so curious to know everything about the space when we don't have any clue about what lies in the depths of our oceans?
Actually in our daily lives, we come across a number of weird and amazing facts, be it in the real world or the virtual one. Science Blurt is here to bring together for you all of those facts in a single place. Some of them may not appear to be truly 'scientific', but like we said, "everything is science"!
We love to learn and share what we learn. And this is why we present to you your one-stop destination for all the amazing, weird, exciting, horrifying and mind-blowing FACTS, scattered over the World Wide Web and the World.
Do share us among your friends and their friends, because the more the merrier!
Enjoy! Happy learning :)
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