3 great discoveries of 2014
As the year passed by, it also gave science new and great discoveries which is quickly changing our lives. These nobel prize winning...
How does the Placebo affect work?
According to wikipedia a Placebo is a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition...
Life Changing inspiring speech by Jim Carrey
A very inspiring video by the talented actor Jim Carrey. #video
Formation of Moon- A Theory
Given the size of Earth it is almost impossible for it to trap a huge body like Moon because of its weak gravity, so then how did the...
Charlie Chaplin's greatest speech ever
This the greatest and most inspiring video by Charlie Chaplin. Teaches us the most valuable lesson of life. A message for everyone....
The most Amazing and Insane Bike Ride Ever
When people with crazy determination and god-like skills test themselves where the world seems to end, it is a feat to watch such an...
Did you ever know what color is a Mirror?
So this question has not been asked many times but have you ever wondered what color is a Mirror? Is it colorless or silver or white?...
Is Hypnosis Real as they show in the movies?
Is hypnosis the same as we have been watching in the movies? This is one question we all have been asking to ourselves since a long time,...
The most Amazing Fact of our Universe
When the popular astrophysict Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by the Times Magazine about the most amazing fact about our universe then...
How were the Pyramids built?
Built 4500 years ago, 147 m high, contains 2 million stones of 1.5 to 3 tonnes wieght and that too without any known technology is what...