Amazing Saves from Death: A Must Watch
We live in a very shocking world where things can change from normal to disastrous in a split second. Thousands of accidents happen daily...
Catch up the Super Moon on 27th September 2015
Looking outside into the night sky on 27th September 2015 will be very very special as you can catch a glimpse of a very rare event...
Most Shocking Moments Caught on Camera
Our world is a strange place to live in. Every passing moment marks the existence of wierd stuff happening around. Some of these moments...
How Big is Samsung?
In today's electronic world there are corporate giants which dominates the market. We all must have used Samsung products at least once...
Why is Google the Best Place to Work?
When it comes to technology and innovation, Google hasn't left any stone unturned. Billions of people use Google products everyday and...
How can a Blackhole kill you
Do you believe in monsters? If you don't then you are in for some shock. The worst monsters hide in the darkness of the far reaches of...
Evolution of Life on Earth in 60 seconds
Life started on Earth billions of years ago and so the story of life is infinitesimally large. But what if we could summarize the whole...
How Color blind people can see colors- Brilliant Invention
If you are color blind and feel left out from most of your friends just because you can't see things the way they do, then you certainly...
Best Optical illusions
Optical illusions are frightening and amazing at the same time. If handled with creativity these illusions can create a beautiful world...
Water on Mars
Earth is the only known planet in the solar system to support life. All the magnificient ecosystem on our blue planet run with the help...