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How to use Whatsapp on PC

The biggest problem with whatspp is that once you forget to bring your mobile with you, you are stuck without whatsapp. We all know what that feeling is, a constant urge of getting back to our phone and checking the messages as soon as possible. Although Whatsapp founder Jan Koum is in talks with releasing the desktop/laptop version of the remarkable app, till date the problem is still alive.

However there are a few ways by which you can use the whatsapp app in your windows pc the best one being the Bluestacks software. You can download the Bluestacks App Player from here.

Follow these steps:

1. Download Bluestacks App Player on your computer.

2. Run the setup file to install it. During installation, Bluestacks will ask for App Store Access and App Notifications. You can uncheck both while installing.

3. Wait for the installation to finish (it takes several minutes). During the final stages of installation, Bluestacks will run in full-screen mode. Tap the diagonal line icon on the top-right to run it in windowed mode. This makes the next few steps easy.

4. Leave Bluestacks App Player running and go to your browser. Download theWhatsApp apk file.

5. Double-click the WhatsApp.apk file that's saved on your PC. The app will automatically install itself in Bluestacks App Player.

6. In Bluestacks, you'll see a grid of apps you've installed. Find and launch WhatsApp.

7. Enter your phone number and click Verify.

8. Now wait for 5 minutes as WhatsApp tries, and fails, to automatically verify using SMS.

9. After 5 minutes, WhatsApp will offer you an option for voice verification. Click Call me.

10. You'll get a phone call. Answer it and you'll hear the verification code being spoken in loop.

11. Enter the verification in WhatsApp (running in Bluestacks) and you're good to go.

12. None of your existing contacts will show up in WhatsApp if you use this method. You can still reply to any messages you receive.

13. You can add contacts individually to WhatsApp by clicking on the three dots icon on the top-right > Contacts. Click the contact icon on the top-right, next to search. These contacts will be saved locally and will not show up on other devices. You can then start sending messages to these contacts as well.

14. Any groups you're a part of will also not show up on the PC. You will have to ask the group admin to add you to the group again.

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