Benefits of Bitter Melon Juice
My dad says what tastes bad to your tongue is good for your body. Well this cannot generally be true but is a fact for most of the food. Bitter Melon is one such example.
Bitter melon, the scientific name of which is momordica charantia - is technically classified as a fruit. You may recognize it as a green roughy food which definitely tastes bitter. It is grown in India, Africa and the Carribean and is consumed mostly unripe.
The simple nutritional facts of the Bitter Melon doesn't make it seem special all. It mostly contains sugar, water and some traces of vitamins and minerals. It is high in vitamin C and potassium and low in calories. The fact that sets it apart from other food is that it has phytonutrient (plant chemical) compounds such as carotenoids, phytonutrientsinclude, momordin, charadin, and vicine.
Bitter Melon juice is used frequently in various traditional Asian, Indian, and Middle Eastern schools of medicine. However it seems very helpful to our health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor about the possibility of consumption of Bitter Melon juice as per your tolerance.
Let's look up at the benefits of having Bitter Melon juice:
1. Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease which happens when the body is unable to produce Insulin which is an enzyme used to break sugar. In the deficiency of insulin the body is unable to digest sugar and hence it enters the blood causing blood sugar or diabetes.
Having Bitter Melon juice is known to activate the enzyme APMK, a protein also activated by exercise. APMK helps our body to process sugar.
2. Cancer
Cancer is a disease causing uncontrolled growth of cells in different parts of the body. Cancers are very difficult to treat and most of the treatments have horrendous side effects. Bitter Melon juice are found effective in treating Pancreatic Cancer, Head and neck cancers.
HIV virus attacks the immune system of our body and makes us prone to innumerable diseases and causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome).
Some of the phytonutrients in the Bitter Melon have been found to be effective in fighting HIV.
4. Liver Disease:
Some studies have suggested that Bitter Melon juice helps to boost antioxidant activity in the liver to help protect it from damage.
5: Stomach Troubles:
The juice helps in healing stomach ache, flatulence, indigestion, and constipation
6: Hangover:
Though not proven but many people insist on having Bitter Melon juice to overcome hangover.
7. Kidney Stones:
Bitter Melon Juice is said to be useful in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones, though there is little evidence available to support these claims.