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The Most amazing Garden

David Latimer

On an Easter Sunday back in 1960, David Latimer never knew the plant he planted in his large glass bottle will thrive easily in the years to come with its mouth closed from above and making it disconnected with the outside environment.

In this ten gallon glass bottle Latimer once planted a spiderwort seedling (Tradescantia) carefully lowering it inside using a piece of wire. A glass of water was all he poured into it and thus closed it making it isolated from the outside world for only sunlight to enter. The next time Latimer ever poured water again was 12 years later, in 1972. Since 1972 the bottle has never been opened even once but it had already established a whole new ecosystem on its own which was balanced and self sustainable.

The reasons why the self sufficient ecosystem attained a balance and the plant was able to stay alive are:

1. Sunlight: The sunlight has the power of Life. The sun rays could enter the glass and provided the fuel for the magical photosynthesis to happen, surely the most magical thing in evolution.

2. Photosynthesis: The plant was able to use the sunlight, carbon dioxide and water in the glass to make food and in the process it exhaled oxygen.

3. Bacteria: The waste product exhaled by the plants, oxygen, was used by the bacteria in the soil which then again produced carbon dioxide through the process of Respiration.

All these factors balanced itself and produced a staggering example of a balanced ecosystem which is self sustainable for life to exist.

Also watch this video for more insight.

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