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Sex In the Ancient World of Egypt

The old civilization of Egypt has many secrets coded on the walls of its Pyramids in the form of wall paintings. Watching all these paintings closely one can easily realise the status sex enjoyed in the Egyptian culture and how it was practised as an important form of expression by people back then. Egyptians believed in life after death and for them death is not an end but a beginning of a new life. If someone dies, he will be reborn and him to be reborn sexual intercourse was to be required.

Their this fascination with sex led them to express it in various wall paintings, ancient texts and artefacts. Some of these artefacts look so bizzare and horny that they were forced to be hidden by the museums as they found it inappropriate to display them to the general public, such was the level of sexuality flourishing in the Egyptians mind.

Watch this documentary to see the world of Egyptians painting Sex all over their culture.

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