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Human Brain: The way it works

Human Brain is the most complex thing in the whole of our universe. Confined in the box of skull and locked inside its dark realm, it uses our five senses to deduce the deepest and the darkest mysteries of the universe. Weighing about just 1.3 Kg to 1.4 Kg, the combination of brain tissue has enough firepower to unlock the unexplored realms with its creativity.

But how are we able to use our brain from solving day to day problems to answering the greatest mysteries of Mother Nature? How is it that some people can do extraordinary stuff while others just can’t?

Maybe the answer is not outside but inside us. Maybe there's something which has its answer inside the structures and functioning of our brain. Brains of every individual are unique in shapes, structures and psychology, just like our finger prints. Watch this documentary to learn about how different parts of our brain work together and how some people are able to use certain areas specifically and perform stuff extraordinarily.

Science Blurt. Because Everything is Science.

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