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The mystery of Crop Circles and Desert Lines

We live in a strange world where mysteries knock at our doors every now and then. Sometimes we ignore them, unknowingly, and sometimes we are overwhelmed by their mere brilliance. Amazing natural phenomena happen all around the globe which we mighty humans can't explain with our today's knowledge but the mystery of Crop circle and Desert Lines takes everything to a whole new level.

Crop cirlce are bizzare perfect shapes which happen to appear overnight, mostly in the farms of England. Many attempts have been tried to explain the formation of such strange shapes. Some of them are so huge that it seems impossible to our minds to comprehend human effort in its formation. There is something going out there, hidden in the dark, a mystery which designs such beautiful forms and then disppear in the thin air.

Is it the devil at work or something from the far reaches of our universe? Is it a message for us to decode or just mother nature going creative.

Science Blurt. Because Everything is Science.

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