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Why can't we see Sun's Evil Twin?

Nemesis, as we call it, is the Evil Twin of our Sun. Its goes round once in 26 million years and is also a major contributor to the huge chain of events that take place on Earth every once in a while in its evolutionary history.

It all started with the fact that almost all the stars in our universe are found in pairs. Its either a binary system or even more complex but an individual star seems like a rare finding in the cosmos.

Crosschecking through past evidences of massive mass extinctions on Earth results in a perfect synchronization with Nemesis's Theory and the time frame matches a strikingly coincidental match of 26 million years.

So Nemesis may be out there hiding in the dark but why haven't we seen it yet with all the powerful telescopes? The bizarre answer to this puzzling question is that may be we can't see it. A star which can't be seen! that narrows everything down to something faint and undetectable, A Red Dwarf! That's the theory, Our Sun's Twin is a Red Dwarf which silently crawls in the space.

Nemesis is also convicted of making the Comets aim Earth which led to the extinction of Dinosaurs.

So much yet so little. Lets find out about our secret admirer in the space or our silent killer! Only time will tell.

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