Did Dinosaurs Really have Feather?
Dinosaurs were mostly cold blooded animals and they relied on the atmospheric temperatures to regulate their our metabolisms. Feathers...

Mystery about Different Types of Dinosaurs
As common people we live in a mirage that dinosaurs can be divided into various different races, some of which were herbivore while...

Unknown facts about Dinosaurs
1. All Dinosaurs did't go extinct at the same time. When the meteor hit the Earth, some dinosaurs survived but after hundreds of years or...
How tough was it for dinosaurs to survive a day?
When we study the fossils of the fallen reptiles, we travel back in time. If we turn the wheels of our imagination fueled by the studies...
How did all the Dinosaurs die?
65 million years ago an asteroid entered into the earth's atmosphere with an intention of wiping out all the life forms on the blue...
Anti Gravity Optical illusion
I am a great fan of optical illusions. I love to defeat my brain and make it realise who's the boss! This video went viral because of its...
Beware: This video may cause temporary Hallucinogenic effects
This video went viral on social media because of the amazing induced hallucinating effects. This video is not for people with heart...
Amazing Optical illusion Dance
Our brain tries very hard to create a pattern and most importantly a pattern which looks like a human. In this amazingly freaky dance...
How to launch a Hydrogen Balloon using water?
Hydrogen is the simplest and the most abundant element in our entire universe. It is also abundant on Earth in the form of water. So if...
How to make World's Simplest Electric Train
Magnetism is magic. Actually its more than magic, it is one of the major reasons why life evolved on Earth. Earth has a very strong...