Facts about Time that will blow your mind
1. There was a "Time" when "Time" did not exist
Since time is measured according to the movenment of matter in the space-time continuum, before the Big Bang all the matter was densely compressed in a tiny ball and there was no space and no time! Just an era of nothingness.
2. The Time on Earth is slowing down
Due to the tidal friction between earth and moon, the moon is gaining speed and the Earth is slowing down. This will lead to a longer day time i.e. 25 hours in 400 million years.
3. Dinosaurs had a 23 hours day
As the Earth has slowed down due to the tidal friction, the total duration of a day at the time of dinosaurs was just 23 hours.
4. Why are there mirrors in elevators
Its a known fact that idle time passes slowly that's why builders installed mirrors in the tall buildings to give something for the user to look at while they are in it.
5. We all are time travelers
Yeah that's right.
6. Our Night sky is a giant screen of Past
All the stars that we see at night are millions or billions of light years away. So the amount of time taken for the light to travel to us will be millions and billions of years. It might be almost certain that most of these stars do not even exist today but all we see are their ancient light reaching us today.
The night sky is certainly a canopy of past.
7. Straight line isn't the shortest distance
Gone are those days when straight line used to be the shortest distance between two points. In the space-time fabric we can fold the universe and reach the other point in a jiffy by creating a hole through the fabric. That's inter- wait for it-esting!
8. Time flies in the sky
Einstein's theory of relativity suggests that time slows down at higher gravitaional field areas. So if we move upwards in the atmosphere, the duration of 1 second will decrease and your time will start to fly along with you!
9. According to quantum theory, the shortest period of time that can exist is 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 second.
This is known as “Planck Time.”
10. Time will come to an end eventually
Like all good things, eventually time will also cease to exist.