Amazing facts about DNA
1. Every Human has 99.9% similar DNA sequence!

2. If you join all the DNA in your body, end to end, the series will have enough length to reach the Moon.

3. A normal typist with a speed of 60 words per minute, typing 8 hours a day for an entire week, will take 50 years to completely type the Genome sequence of Human Beings.

4. Siblings have 50% similar Genes, same with their parents.

5. Chimps and Humans share 99% similar DNA.

6. You can fit 25,000 strands of Human DNA side by side, in the width of a single adult hair.

7. The DNA is tightly coiled up and structured into 46 chromosomes.

8. Our chromosomes are arranged in pairs. We inherit one copy of the pair from our Mum and one from our Dad.

9. There are approximately 3 billion (3,000,000,000) chemical letters (otherwise known as bases) in the DNA code in every cell in your body

10. DNA is found inside every cell in our body (apart from red blood cells).