How to Detoxify your Body?

We all live in a polluted world. With the modernization of technology and advent of factories, our planet has endured pollutants that degrades it life giving ability. Like after a hard day at work we like to clean our body by washing or bathing, we also need to clean our body from the inside. All the pollutants in our environment get inside our body and if not removed timely, it can harm us in the long run.
These toxins can be removed from our body by a process called detoxification. Detoxification is very important because otherwise the toxins in our body may get accumulated and that makes us feel tired and pain. There are many other detrimental effects if our body is not detoxified regularly, like skin rashes, pimples, bad breathe, obesity, diabetes, diarrhea, constipation, joint pains, indigestions and etc etc, the list never ends.
So it is very important to remove these toxins from our body and clean it from the inside. Here are a few tips which can help you remove the toxins and lead a better and healthy life:
1. Drink lots of water

Just like we use water to wash our body from the outside, similarly it helps us in washing our body from the inside. If we drink more water, most of the toxins from our body will be removed through urine, stool or sweat. Drinking water just after waking up is very helpful so make it a habit to drink 3 glasses of water every morning before you do anything. Also avoid drinking water during and just after a meal.
2. Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most healthiest beverage you can find in your grocery stores. It is a very good detoxifying agent and has many advantages if taken daily. Check out the article on Green Tea.
3. Fiber

Second best cleanser of our body is Fiber! Fiber is mostly found in vegetables, fruits, pulses, oats, and nuts. Fiber cleans our intestines and protects us from constipation. Make sure to thoroughly wash the vegetables and fruits as all of them are mostly covered with chemical and pesticides which will get inside our body if not prevented.
4. Avoid Coloured Food

Coloured food contains chemicals which may harm our body by bringing in more toxins. Coloured cakes may look beautiful and delicious but are harmful to us in many ways; so always eat white cream cakes. If you still want to give colours to your food then its recommended to use natural colours like turmeric, saffron, etc.
5. Always eat fresh foods

Always eat fresh foods to avoid preservatives. All the packed foods in shopping markets contain certain amounts of preservatives which can bring in more toxins in our body when eaten. The plastics used for packing also harms us by injecting harmful toxins in the food. Try to reduce eating microwave warmed foods.
6. Keep your Home Ventilated

We use a lot of synthetic materials in our home because they are easily available and cheap. These synthetic materials slowly releases harmful fumes in our homes and we end up inhaling all those air. It is always advisable to try to keep your room effectively ventilated to allow fresh air to enter your rooms. Also avoid using room freshners or any other chemicals in your home.
7. Deep Breathing

The main function of oxygen in our body is to clean our impure blood and make it pure again. This pure blood is then circulated to each and every cells of our body to supply nutrients and generate energy. Deep breathing helps us to take more air, hence more oxygen, into our body which further helps in cleaning our body from intoxicants. The best time for deep breathing is in the morning. Always deep breathe near greenery or while in home, do it near your windows or in the verandah.
8. Walking

Walking is equally important as it imporves the breathing and helps us take more oxygen. But always try to walk in parks or greenery. Taking a walk beside busy roads can be harmful as it will bring more pollutants inside our body.
9. Avoid Cigarettes and Alcohol

Nobody will be surprised to see the entry of "avoid cigarattes and alcohols" in how to detoxify your body. This is one of the most dangerous medium through which toxins enter our body and so the message seems clear to everyone.
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