Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD)
In today's fast track world we all are left with very less amount of time to take care of our mental and physical health. Especially for...
Benefits of Bitter Melon Juice
My dad says what tastes bad to your tongue is good for your body. Well this cannot generally be true but is a fact for most of the food....
The Science Behind Nutrition
Hi guys! Before diving into discussions about “Nutrition”, “Workout” or “Supplements”, we would like you to first understand the...
Cell Phone radiation effects on Human Body
Firstly, we should understand how a phone call works. Whenever you are on a call with someone your phone sends the signals to a nearest...
A Scientific 7 minute workout plan to reduce wieght
If you are too busy to go to the gym or you are not a fitness freak but are wary of the weight gains, just try out this scientifically...
How to keep your Kidneys safe?
The Kidneys are a pair of organs which are located at the back of our abdomen. Each kidney is about 4-5 inches long i.e. about the size...
How does Drinking Water burn Calories?
If you love water, you already like 60% of me. If you are a nerd then you can use it to hit on girls! It is a true fact that an adult...
10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight
We all live in a fast and busy world where in order to earn and survive, people end up ignoring their true wealth, their own Health. As...
How to Detoxify your Body?
We all live in a polluted world. With the modernization of technology and advent of factories, our planet has endured pollutants that...
The Healthiest beverage on earth
The healthiest beverage on earth is the Green Tea. Undoubtedly with its antioxidant properties, it brings out the most amazing healing...