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Cell Phone radiation effects on Human Body

Cell Phone radiation effects on Human Body

Firstly, we should understand how a phone call works. Whenever you are on a call with someone your phone sends the signals to a nearest base station or a cell tower. That base station then connects you with the switching station which figures out and keeps track of, the caller's number and the receiver's number. The switching station then sends the signals to the receiver's nearest base station and from there the signal is sent to the receiver's phone. This process is repeated numerous times whil you are on a phone call.

The signals are sent out by our devices in the form of a 360 degree wave. Only a small amount of the energy is received by the base tower and a lot of it is lost in the space. In the picture above you can see that a considerable amount of radiating energy falls on our face as cell phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range.

The radiation and thermal effects of the exposure is directly proportional to the amount of time you spend talking over the phone.

Dr Om Gandhi (University of Utah) shows how radiation penetrates the skull of an adult (25%), 10 year old (50%) and a 5 year old (75%). The younger the child the deeper the penetration due to the fact that their skulls are thinner and still developing. Bone marrow in a child’s skull absorbs 10 times more microwave radiation than does an adult (

So how to reduce the ill effects of these radiations?

1. Always try to refrain from long conversations on mobile phones. When you feel that the conversation will take a lot of time then use a wired phone.

2. Always talk where the signal is strong. When the signal is weak your cell phone increases the radiation in order to connect with the base station.

3. Never cover the Cell phones whil talking as your hands will limit the ability of your phone to send or receive signals and your cell phone will boost the radiation to avoid it.

4. Use a wired or bluetooth ear-phone. Bluetooth may still use radiation but the effect is many times weaker.

5. Buy a better quality cell phone. Cell phone which get heated up while on call are using more radiation than a better branded product.

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