How does Drinking Water burn Calories?
If you love water, you already like 60% of me. If you are a nerd then you can use it to hit on girls! It is a true fact that an adult...
10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight
We all live in a fast and busy world where in order to earn and survive, people end up ignoring their true wealth, their own Health. As...
How to Detoxify your Body?
We all live in a polluted world. With the modernization of technology and advent of factories, our planet has endured pollutants that...
Did Dinosaurs Really have Feather?
Dinosaurs were mostly cold blooded animals and they relied on the atmospheric temperatures to regulate their our metabolisms. Feathers...
Mystery about Different Types of Dinosaurs
As common people we live in a mirage that dinosaurs can be divided into various different races, some of which were herbivore while...
Unknown facts about Dinosaurs
1. All Dinosaurs did't go extinct at the same time. When the meteor hit the Earth, some dinosaurs survived but after hundreds of years or...
Shoreham Air Show Plane Crash
Seven people were tragically killed while many were injured in an unfortunate plane crash at the Soreham Air Show, England, as per the...
How do we clone organisms?
The most common cloning method, known as "somatic cell nuclear transfer" or simply "nuclear transfer," requires two kinds of cell. One...
What is the difference between DNA and RNA
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, can be defined as a blueprint of biological guidelines that a living organism must follow to exist and...
The Human Genome Project and its Findings
In 1984, the US Government planned an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of chemical...