Weed- A boon or a Bane?
I have always heard from weed smokers about how marijuana is good for health and why everyone should try it once. I would always give...

How do ants breathe and sleep
Ants are strange creatures. Evolution plays tricks on almost every organism and makes them adapt to their surroundings and needs. We...

The Healthiest beverage on earth
The healthiest beverage on earth is the Green Tea. Undoubtedly with its antioxidant properties, it brings out the most amazing healing...

Interesting Facts about Incredible India
Housing the world's oldest religion and containing the most diverse culture, India has been home to incredible feats throughout its...

10 facts about World Cup 2015 you should know
1. Fielding restrictions: Instead of 3 powerplays only two will be there in WC 2015. One will be the mandatory one for the first 10 overs...
Neil deGrasse Tyson- The Amazing Story teller
There is no other astro-physicist in this world who can make story telling so very interesting that he can make you stay amazed by the...
Blind woman saw her baby for the first time
The joy of a mother after seeing the first thing in her life and that too her own baby is the most overwhelming feeling in the entire...

Organic material found on Mars for the first time
NASA has confirmed the presence of organic materials on Mars with the help of its Sample Analysis at Mars (S.A.M.) on the Curiosity...

The Most amazing Garden
On an Easter Sunday back in 1960, David Latimer never knew the plant he planted in his large glass bottle will thrive easily in the years...

How to be immortal? Become a Jellyfish
Yes immortality is not just the trait of gods even a tiny human nail sized jelly fish can cheat death forever. Much similar to the Brad...